1. Code is Copy from the Github Link qoomon / youtube_clean_watch_later_videos.js 2. Paste the Below code to the console of youtube videos 3.Open Youtube and select watch later in Desktop and then ctrl+shift+j and then paste code in console 4.Code----------------> // This script will remove all videos from watch later list // // Usage // // #1 go to https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=WL // #2 run following script in your browser console // adjust REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT accordingly to your language, see examples below (async function() { const REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT = 'Remove from Watch later' // de-DE: const REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT = 'Aus "Später ansehen" entfernen' // pt-BR: const REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT = 'Remover de Assistir mais tarde' // swe-SE: const REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT = 'Ta bort från Titta senare' // zh-Hans-CN: const REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT = '从稍后观看中移除' const playlistName = document.querySelector("#title a...