Code to Delete all Watch Later youtube Playlist
1. Code is Copy from the Github Link
/youtube_clean_watch_later_videos.js2. Paste the Below code to the console of youtube videos
3.Open Youtube and select watch later in Desktop and then ctrl+shift+j and then paste code in console
// This script will remove all videos from watch later list // // Usage // // #1 go to // #2 run following script in your browser console // adjust REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT accordingly to your language, see examples below (async function() { const REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT = 'Remove from Watch later' // de-DE: const REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT = 'Aus "Später ansehen" entfernen' // pt-BR: const REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT = 'Remover de Assistir mais tarde' // swe-SE: const REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT = 'Ta bort från Titta senare' // zh-Hans-CN: const REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT = '从稍后观看中移除' const playlistName = document.querySelector("#title a").text if(!confirm(`Are you sure to delete ALL videos from ${playlistName}?`)) { return }"start...") while(true) { const videos = document.querySelectorAll('#primary ytd-playlist-video-renderer') if(videos.length == 0) break for (let videoElement of videos) { const videoTitle = videoElement.querySelector('a#video-title')`Remove Video\n` + ` Title: ${videoTitle.innerText}\n` + ` URL: ${videoTitle.href}`) const actionMenuButton = videoElement.querySelector('#menu #button') console.debug("click actionMenuButton", actionMenuButton) const removeButton= await untilDefined(() => { for (const actionMenu of [...document.querySelectorAll('ytd-popup-container > tp-yt-iron-dropdown')]) { if(actionMenu => !== "none") { for (const actionButton of [...actionMenu.querySelectorAll('tp-yt-paper-item')]) { if(actionButton.innerText.trim().toLowerCase() === REMOVE_BUTTON_TEXT.toLowerCase()){ return actionButton } } } } console.debug("wait for removeButton") }) console.debug("click removeButton", removeButton) await sleep(200) } }"done!") // === util functions ======================================================== async function sleep (timeout) { return new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, timeout)) } async function untilDefined(factory, checkInterval = 100) { while (true) { const value = factory() if (value != null) return value await sleep(checkInterval) } } })();
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